6 Tips For A Healthy Winter

6 Tips For A Healthy Winter

Though it may seem an obvious step, keeping fit and staying well is surprisingly difficult these days. Our busy lives prevent us from spending time with friends and family. And the winter months are especially difficult for those of us who work in offices. We spend most of our days at our desks, while the weekends are generally spent at home or going out with friends. Keeping fit throughout the year will not only keep you healthier, but will help improve your work performance too. Here are six ways you can improve your overall health this winter:

  1. Keep moving
    It’s hard to get motivated to exercise when it’s cold and dark outside, but your body will reward you for exercising daily. Even if you engage in light daily exercise such as walking, yoga or laps at an indoor, heated pool your body will be working overtime to keep you warm while you exercise, burning more kilojoules! Find an exercise partner to keep you motivated and accountable for daily exercise and reward yourself afterwards with a hot shower and hot beverage.
  2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet
    Keep your immune system at its flu fighting best by eating a healthy, balance diet packed full of fruits, vegetables and protein. Adding garlic, ginger and lemon to your diet can also aid in fighting infection as these antibacterial foods are naturally found to fight off infection.
  3. Stay hydrated
    Drinking cold water during the winter months is very unappealing, especially is you are a tea or coffee drinker who prefers a caffeine hit to H2O. To increase your water intake try a mug of boiled water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning. Drinking hot lemon water will help you wake up, clear your sinuses and it will help make your sinuses more resistant to bacteria, fighting off the dreaded cold and flu.
  4. Protect you skin
    The harsh cold of winter and extra hot showers can cause your skin to dry out. Protect your skin this winter with daily application of moisturising lip balm or lanoline and moisturize after bathing daily.
  5. Rest up
    Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night as sleep deprivation will make you more prone to getting sick, with major impacts on your immune system. Turn off all electronic devices a hour before bed to wind down for the night and avoid caffeinated beverages after 8pm at night for peaceful, restful sleep.